Earlier this week, placenta encapsulation was discussed in the Yahoo article, Are Placenta Pills a Miracle Cure or Just a Scam? The article discussed one mother’s amazing testimony that placenta capsules helped her postpartum recovery significantly. In the article, the mom states that she recovered from birth more quickly, had energy, and an overall feeling […]
A Desperate Skeptic: A Testimonial
Jereka Hunt, PBi-Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist® and owner of Wombmart, based in Charlotte, NC, recently received a client testimonial that we felt deserved to be spread far and wide. If you know an expecting mother who is on the fence about whether placenta encapsulation is for her, share this story. This testimonial is the perfect […]
Placenta Drama – A NYT Blog Rebuttal
A couple of days ago, there was a negative blog post in the New York Times regarding placenta encapsulation, entitled “I Regret Eating My Placenta”. The post was written by Nancy Redd, author of “Body Drama” and “Diet Drama”. She’d had her placenta encapsulated and was unhappy with her experience. The author states that […]
Placenta has a theme song?
Thanks to Taming Flamingoes, it does! I met the author way back at the Gentle Birth World Expo in 2007, my first booth for Placenta Benefits ever. That was quite an experience – doulas and midwives were enthusiastic; pregnant mamas would take one look and move to the opposite side of the aisle, turning […]
Placenta, Rainbows and Unicorns
Kristen over at Birthing Beautiful Ideas has published her full story of using placenta capsules for her postpartum recovery. We first blogged about Kristen when she was pregnant, and planning to use the services of PBi’s own Kelsie Meyers to prepare the placenta. Kristen writes many wonderful things about her experience with placenta capsules, […]
The Feminist Breeder eats placenta
The Feminist Breeder is a popular writer and “mommy blogger” who just had her third baby. This time around, she decided to join the growing ranks of mothers who are using placenta capsules for their postpartum recovery. Why? Well, these are my good reasons: I’m choosing a med-free water birth in my living room because the […]