We, as parents? Or the government?
Parents face jail for not vaccinating their children
I am going to quote from Dr. Rima E. Laibow, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. This is from a recent edition of their newsletter:
“Thousands, yes, you read that correctly: “thousands”, of parents in Maryland are being menaced, and, more significantly yet, their children are being threatened with serious harm, by the arrogance of the State of Maryland. If you think that control of your body (and that of your child) is not an economic issue, consider that vaccination is tremendously profitable ONLY if carried out in huge numbers. Consider: if vaccination is so effective against disease, why does EVERY person have to be vaccinated to “protect” the people who are already vaccinated from the disease? Click here to learn more.
Vaccines are dangerous and do not prevent the diseases against which they are purported to provide protection. Read a partial list of the toxins in them, then read a history of the fraud called vaccination. Just check out the section called “Cold Hard Facts” to get a very clear idea of the dangers of vaccination and the fact that compelling (or persuading) you to submit to vaccination is a political and economic act of aggression against you and your freedoms. BARDA is no longer up for a vote but the issues are exactly the same today.”
This is a major concern to me. At what point can the government completely control the choices we make for our children? I am an informed, intelligent woman – as a mother, I take the job of protecting my children very seriously. I believe we all do. I do not trust that my government has the best interests of my child at heart. Call me a cynic, but when the government agencies designed to protect us are getting major kickbacks from the drug companies that manufacture the vaccinations we are supposed to inject without question into the bodies of our children, I believe it is called a “conflict of interest”. Trust the government to protect the health of my child? Not when every dose of vaccine given to a child results in a profit to the government, the drug company, and the doctor performing the injection. Put some checks and balances into the system, for Pete’s sake.
— My personal philosophy when it comes to vaccinations – it is all benefit vs. risk. Right now, for our lifestyle and personal circumstances, the risks of the recommended course of vaccinations outweighs the benefits. If our circumstances change, the equation will change as well. Therefore, we have not made a blind blanket decision to never vaccinate – we just have not encountered a situation where the benefits of doing so outweigh the risks.