The PBI Network of Specialists would like to extend a warm welcome to Crystal Gail Anulao, PES, now serving the Coastal Carolinas. Crystal is a homeschooling mother of three. She is interest in organic gardening, sewing, cooking and camping. She became interested in childbirth at a young age, but when she didn’t get the birth she had hoped for as an adult, she immersed herself in learning about natural childbirth.
“After preparing for a natural childbirth and ending with an emergency cesarean with my first child, I dived head first into all things to do with natural childbirth, precautions, and interventions. I wanted awareness.” -Crystal Gail Anulao
Since becoming a mother, Crystal has become a doula, a massage therapist, and a yoga instructor, in addition to studying Chinese Medicine. Crystal is excited to help new mothers get a happy and healthy postpartum experience. Placenta encapsulation is a wonderful addition to the services she already offers the women in her community,
” Learning about placenta encapsulation through a dear friend and mentor and the many benefits has been an a link to the continuing effort to help mothers become aware of the amazing power of their bodies and the great works that happen during pregnancy that can continue to bless them afterwards.”
Welcome Crystal, we are thrilled to have you with us!