We are happy to announce Angelica McCabe-Nagy as one of our Placenta Encapsulation Specialist® in Blue Jay, CA. Angelica is a health and wellness counselor, home health aide, and certified nurse aide. Angelica found out about placenta encapsulation in her personal search for ways to stay healthy while breastfeeding.
“As I learned more about placenta encapsulation, I realized it was something I needed to do for my own wellness and also the wellness of my children. I also realized that this was something that I needed to share with as many pregnant and postpartum women as I could. I decided I couldn’t let the women I meet everyday go through their pregnancies without knowing about the benefits of placenta encapsulation.”, says Angelica.
Once again, PBi is blessed with yet another passionate woman wanting to share the benefits of placenta encapsulation and support postpartum women. We welcome you and thank you, Angelica!