A guest post written by: Rachel Thomas
In honor of International Babywearing Week, we thought we’d take a moment to discuss some of the advantages and benefits to wearing your baby. Baby-wearing is a concept that has been practiced since the beginning of time in many cultures. As you will find in the discussion below, babywearing has benefits for both parents and children.
1. Convenience – One of the most obvious reasons baby-wearing works for many parents is the convenience that comes with the procedure. Many parents find that they are able to accomplish more when they wear their baby. Instead of having a fussy baby in a swing or bouncer, the baby is attached to you in a comfortable manner. This means you are still able to complete chores, eat or otherwise have a hands-free method of caring for your child while completing your tasks.
2. Child Happiness – Many times parents seem to forget that the world is a new place for an infant. Security is crucial for a developing infant. Having the safety and security of having the parent so close by can be comforting for a baby. Children that are worn are usually less cranky and fussy as opposed to those who are left on their own. In fact, children who are worn cry 43% less than children that are not worn. (Dr. Sears)
3. Mental Development – The more calm the child is, the more alert he is to the world around him. This means children can absorb what is going on around them in greater quantity than if they were spending their time crying. When a child is content in the carrier, the parent has more opportunity it bond and interact with the baby, which enhances learning.
4. Bonding – One of the most prominent reasons parents practice baby-wearing is the bonding experience it can create. The baby develops a strengthened sense of security with the parent as the child realizes that he or she is protected at all times. Some may try to argue that baby-wearing spoils the child, but it is impossible to spoil an infant. Children who grow up feeling secure grow into confident, independent adolescents and adults.
5. Fitness – Let us not forget that carrying around the extra weight burns additional calories for the parent. Although your child shouldn’t be viewed as exercise equipment, it’s a welcomed perk to the experience. Whether you are out at the park, walking around the house, or visiting friends and family at a restaurant you are exercising more than if you were to be without the child strapped to you.
Baby-wearing is a great method to create a bond between yourself and your child. By letting him know now that you’ll always be there to care for them, you’ll find it fosters trust in your relationship. This could have a ripple effect throughout the child’s life as he or she will feel more comfortable confiding in you.
Author Bio:
Rachel is an ex-babysitting pro as well as a professional writer and blogger. She is a graduate from Iowa State University and currently writes for www.babysitting.net. She welcomes questions/comments which can be sent to rachelthomas.author @ gmail.com.