The art of midwifery has a deep, rich history dating back to The Old Testament, but what if it went back even further than that? Could midwifery be a practice that dates back to the origin of (wo)man? A new article addresses the idea that midwifery may not be an exclusively human role. Chinese […]
Midwives Come Together, Make Joint Statement
The three U.S. midwifery organizations, MANA, ACNM, and NACPM, recently came together to make a joint statement regarding the support of normal, physiological childbirth. In 1996, The WHO called for the elimination of all unnecessary interventions in childbirth, yet as you know, some of these interventions are being overused in our maternity health system, often […]
Supporting Home-Birth Midwives
There was a recent story on MSNBC on home birth and the midwifery model of care. It is still astonishing to me that the obstetrical and hospital model of care has so completely taken over childbirth in such a short period of time (since the 1950’s), to such a degree that midwifery is actually illegal […]
New home birth midwife
April Kermani, the Certified Nurse Midwife who recently lost her privileges at St. Rose De Lima hospital in Henderson, has given up her nursing license and is now attending home births. This is fabulous news for Las Vegas area women, since April brings an immense amount of knowledge to her practice, as well as a […]
Positively Jumbled
Re-entering daily life after a vacation is always a difficult transition for me. Going from the intensity and beauty of Nature back into Sin City makes me feel drained. So I am going to write a bit about all the positive things that have happened recently. 1. Today I met a gorgeous, brand-new baby […]
Loss for natural birth in Las Vegas
I received some bad news involving a fabulous midwife here in Las Vegas. In August, Certified Nurse Midwife April Kermani performed an emergency D&C on a postpartum mom who was hemorrhaging. She asked the nurse to page the back-up doctor. The bleeding was heavy and persistent and reached the point where she felt that […]