There was a recent story on MSNBC on home birth and the midwifery model of care. It is still astonishing to me that the obstetrical and hospital model of care has so completely taken over childbirth in such a short period of time (since the 1950’s), to such a degree that midwifery is actually illegal in some states.
The division between obstetricians and midwives remains strained (to put it lightly). This is unfortunate, since there is a place for both in the support of birthing women. Instead of debating which one is “right”, midwifery should be legal in each state so that BIRTHING WOMEN have the option and control over their own care. Women should not be subjected to politics in birth; they should be educated, empowered, and supported in their decision over which type of care is right for them, and their family.
Home-birth advocates push for change in laws
Supporters want a larger role for midwives but face opposition from AMA
NEW YORK – With health care costs high on the national agenda, advocates of home births are challenging the medical and political establishments to give midwives a larger role in maternity care and to ease the state laws that limit their out-of-hospital practice.
Pending bills to further this goal have significant backing in several states, which home-birth supporters want to add to the 25 states that already have taken such steps.
Nationally, a group called the Big Push for Midwives marked President Barack Obama’s inauguration with an e-mail campaign urging him to ensure that midwives who specialize in home births are included in deliberations on federal health care reform.
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