Re-entering daily life after a vacation is always a difficult transition for me. Going from the intensity and beauty of Nature back into Sin City makes me feel drained. So I am going to write a bit about all the positive things that have happened recently.
1. Today I met a gorgeous, brand-new baby girl and visited with her cool mama.
2. I found out that our city will have a screening of The Business of Being Born. I wanted to bring this movie here, and found out that one of my colleagues was already working toward this goal. Awesome!
3. Another colleague has set up an incredible new non-profit, Mothers Sisters Friends. Its entire purpose is to bring doulas and midwifery care to low-income women. Proceeds from the movie screening will benefit her non-profit. And she asked me to be on her board of directors. What an honor.
4. Another associate is setting up a birth center! Here, in Las Vegas! She has no idea how she will get through the bureaucratic red tape, but she is forging ahead anyway. She’s remodeling her own house to make it happen. Wow. I am so impressed by her courage and ACTION. She was a CNM and birth activist for a long time, until she got burnt out by the situation here and went to work in an ER for a year. Now she’s back, and on fire! Woohoo!
5. A client of mine is in labor as I type. *positive vibes*
6. April Kermani, the CNM who just lost her privileges at St. Rose, is looking into attending home births. That is just plain awesome. I am a huge advocate for home birth, and would love to have April at my birth any day of the week. I am glad she is finding her way to her true path, through this diversity.
That’s a lot of good stuff happening. I’m grateful to be a part of this community.