Earlier this week, on the Labor Day holiday, thousands of women, men, and children rallied across the country in over 170 locations in an effort to improve birth. The Improving Birth rally is a national event held annually with the mission to educate families about the gap between evidenced-based practices and the typical, standard of medical care women receive during pregnancy and birth. By educating, we are one step closer to evidence-based maternity care being the standard practice in the U.S.
“This movement isn’t about natural birth vs. medicated birth. It’s not about hospital birth vs. home birth or birth center birth. It’s about women being capable of making safer, more informed decisions about their care and that of their babies, when they are given full and accurate information about their care options, including the potential harms, benefits, and alternatives. Then, within that choice, they are treated with dignity and compassion.”
~ Dawn Thompson, Founder of ImprovingBirth.org
Many PBi Placenta Encapsulation Specialist®s proudly took part in their local Improving Birth rallies! PBi supports women in their right to choose the best and safest options for their prenatal care, birth, and their childbearing year.