Yesterday I sent out the latest edition of PBi News, the monthly(ish) newsletter from Placenta When I tried to mail it, iContact (who I use for my email newsletters) refused to send it. Their reasons? It contained strong sexual content!
Now how in the world could an email with the subject line of Orgasmic Birth and Salsa! be misconstrued??
I was highlighting an upcoming showing of Orgasmic Birth at our local Well Rounded Momma center – you really should make the time and come out to see the movie this month. The newsletter also included Nicole’s fabulous recipe for her Simple Salsa – talk about fresh, easy and awesome! She brings it to our Diva/Mama get-togethers, and we always ask her for the recipe. She finally shared!
If you don’t get the newsletter yet, you should definitely subscribe. It’s a lot of fun to put together, and I hear it’s pretty fun to read too. 🙂