I just got this email from a customer/friend on the East coast. I wanted to share with everyone. We went shopping yesterday for toys to give to Toys for Tots, since our girls’ SpiralScouts group was collecting them. If you are able, please consider donating to them this week.
Today I went to the Carolina First Center to drop off Anna (our exchange student) so she could volunteer by sorting toy for Toys-for-Tots. We walked in and there was one person who looked like she was working and 4 people sitting on a bench. The room was filled with bags of clothes, and coats that had been separated for families but when I spoke to Deidra, the Salvation Army lady, she said they haven’t received any toys from the Marines. They haven’t had enough donations to make a delivery. She said normally they would be very busy today as they have only 2 Saturdays before they are distributed on Monday the 22nd.
Can you find a little room in your tight budget to give a toy to a child that may not receive any other gifts all year long? I know things are tight but a few dollars for a gift a child will appreciate (think of the big smile on Christmas Day). Monika, Anna and I will be headed to WalMart tomorrow after church to buy a couple more gifts.
Find a drop off location for your toys @ http://www.toysfortots.org/
I’m sure things are the same everywhere…
Merry Christmas!