2007 is going out in grand form. December saw a new record for hits on the PlacentaBenefits.info website, crossing over the 100,000 mark by several thousand!
I must say that 2007 was a great year. The court case with Anne Swanson and Sunrise Hospital was a major highlight – it brought rallies, media attention, spawned numerous blog posts about placenta ingestion and really got people talking. The court order declaring the placenta the property of the mother was the fabulous icing on the cake. Going to the Gentle Birth World Congress in Portland in September was awesome, too. I got to meet SO many people and it generated a lot of energy around the placenta encapsulation movement that continues today. USA Today and MSNBC both did stories that spotlighted PlacentaBenefits.info. I did media interviews for stories in Portland, Las Vegas, and a national news feed that was shown on numerous TV stations around the country. I did radio interviews in Seattle, Minneapolis and Sirius Satellite Radio.
I also started the Diva/Mamas online support group this year. It has grown into something really amazing. I have met so many smart, engaged, articulate women through this group that I am just really humbled to even be a part of it. If you’re in Las Vegas and looking to network with intelligent women who can debate issues respectfully and like to get out into Nature via hikes to Red Rock Canyon, Mt. Charleston, and overnight camping trips (as well as park playdates and coffee meetups), then you are certainly welcome to join us! Diva/Mamas
With all of the blessings I have received this year, it seems hard to believe that 2008 could be even better. But I do believe it. This energy and momentum is just going to keep building into the new year, and I am loving this ride. Blessings to you and yours in 2008!