Celebrate Your Talents
What do you truly *love* to do? Sometimes when we become mothers, we put the “frivolous” things that we enjoy on the back burner while we take care of our families. While some of this is necessary, we don’t have to give up what we love doing just because we have kids.
Do you like to scrapbook? Did you take a few photography classes and then put your camera away? How about fiber arts (knitting, sewing, crocheting, quilting)? Or just reading a book NOT related to parenting?
I know that I put off projects because of the hassle of doing them with the kids around. If I wait until they’re asleep, then I have to drag everything out just to put it away again in an hour or two. But with a little creativity and determination, we can find the time to do the things we love.
Get out your camera! My kids are total hams and have tons of fun strking poses. Sometimes we just do photo shoots and laugh at the pictures afterward. If you like to do nature photography, it’s a perfect excuse to get outside with the kids, which is one of the other tips for staying out of a funk – you can even double up on the good vibes this way.
If you enjoy scrapbooking or other projects involving little pieces and things that kids shouldn’t get into, put all of your supplies into a single box or bin. Then when the kids go down for a nap or to bed for the evening, you only have to get out the bin and open it up to get started. Then you can shovel everything back in there when you’re done so it’s handy for the next time. It keeps your supplies together and the hassle of getting started again to a minimum.
If you like reading but feel you don’t have the time, find a great book and suddenly you will find the time! To take this a step further, you can join a book club which adds the socialization to the mix. But even if you’re not up for the “pressure” of a book club, just get into something you really like. You can always sequester yourself in the bathroom for a few minutes to get a couple pages in while the kids play.
Doing what you love feeds your soul and renews your spirit. While it may take more effort than it did before you had kids, it is important to nourish that side of your self. It is easy to get lost in mothering, housework and family obligations. While those are good things, and we find joy in them, it can throw life out of balance.
You are an important part of the equation, and you will feel better when you take the time for yourself. Your family will benefit from your efforts as well. Nobody wants a martyr for a mother – your kids love YOU, and that means honoring your talents and individuality.